Customize charts with graphics

Posted by Dee on January 29, 2002 10:40 AM

I am interested to now if you can change the look of a chart with your own graphics.

e.g. Instead of the usual bar, cone, column - be able to use a bar of "smiley faces" instead of the usual solid coloured bar to graphically represent your data.

I've looked on wuth no success. If this is an option, might one of you point me in the right direction as to where to obtain information?

Thanks in advance

Posted by lenze on January 29, 2002 10:57 AM

Hi Dee:
This is really not very difficult, but it is not documented well. After you have created your graph, right click on one of the data series and choose Format Data Series. Go to the patterns Tab and then Select the Picture Tab. Choose Select Picture. Navigate to a picture and choose insert. You have several options on how to stack the picture and the number of units per image. You may also insert a clip art by selecting a data series and choosing insert clip art from the drawing tool bar.


Posted by Dee on January 29, 2002 11:10 AM

Thanks so much - I shall give it a go!