changing axis locations

Posted by sean on January 29, 2002 9:23 AM

hi again,

Fom eariler post I know how to switch x-axis to y and vise I have a new query....

How do I move the Y axis to the right hand side of the chart and AT THE SAME TIME have the x-axis on the top of the chart?

I did a reverse of data and it puts x axis up top but y axis remains on there a better way?



Posted by Mark W. on January 29, 2002 12:12 PM

If I understand your request...

1. Right click the X-axis, choose Format Axis...
from the popup menu, and check the "Value (Y) axis
crosses at maximum category" box on the Scale tab.

2. Right click the Y-axis, choose Format Axis...
from the popup menu, and check the "Category (X)
axis crosses at maximum category" box on the
Scale tab.