Dynamic Charts!

Posted by Ben Thompson on December 13, 2001 11:07 AM

Hiya Folks,

Far from being the brightest star in the universe!

Does anyone know if there is a 'walk-through' instruction guide
on how to create dynamic charts! (Using Excel 2000)

I have seen a few instructions on the web but they have not been
in-depth enough to help a fairly new user like me.

Would be very grateful for any advice

Kind Regards


Posted by Michael on December 13, 2001 11:46 AM

The easiest place to get what your looking for is www.microsoft.com, select the download center and use the keyword search. Depending on what exactly you are looking for, the two best keywords are tutorial or Pivot. The tutorial keyword gives you a fair sized list, the two that you are looking for are the PivotTable 101, and the template and tutorial:Chart Types for excel 97(Yea, i know it is not 200, but the fundamentals are the same. Hope this helps.

Posted by Ben Thompson on December 13, 2001 11:55 AM

I'll definitely give it a go


The easiest place to get what your looking for is www.microsoft.com, select the download center and use the keyword search. Depending on what exactly you are looking for, the two best keywords are tutorial or Pivot. The tutorial keyword gives you a fair sized list, the two that you are looking for are the PivotTable 101, and the template and tutorial:Chart Types for excel 97(Yea, i know it is not 200, but the fundamentals are the same. Hope this helps.