PLEASE HELP !!! Dropdown list dependent on another ...
Posted by Maureen Hill on November 19, 2001 4:59 AM
If anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it. I was offered a potential solution to a problem I'm having ... namely I want to select the contents of the first column in a spreadsheet from a drop down list (list stored in another sheet in the same workbook). Then, the contents of the second column need to be selected from another drop down list (stored in another sheet in the same workbook) BUT the list that drops down in the second column needs to be dependent on what was chosen from the drop down list in the first column. It was suggested that I use the =INDIRECT function in the data validation field, but this is returning me an error "The source currently evaluates to an error." I'M PULLING MY HAIR OUT and this was due two yesterdays ago ... Please help if you can.