Linking TextBox Values in MultiPage Control with Excel Cells

Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 6:01 AM

I have a MultiPage control on a userform with a number of text boxes. I want to be able to enter values into the text boxes and have them transferred to specific cells in a worksheet. I could do something like this:

Private Sub myText_Change ()
Sheets("MySheet").Range("A1").Value = myText.Text
End Sub

Rather than entering code for each text box, I would like to have a command button so that, once all values have been entered, clicking on the button would update the sheet. Simply putting the above code in the command control doesn't work. Because I'm not too familiar with MultiPage controls, it seems I'm missing something as to how the control should be referenced as an object. Any suggestions as to how I can get this work?



Posted by MikeB on October 16, 2001 7:03 AM


Might this help?

To try it, you need a userform containing a standard two-tab multipage. On the first tab, place three textboxes and a commandbutton. Add the following code for 'CommandButton1_Click'.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

For n = 1 To 3
ctrl_name = "TextBox" + CStr(n) ' assigns textbox name to a variable
If n > 1 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ' move down one cell if beyond the first item
End If
ActiveCell.Value = Controls(ctrl_name).Value ' paste the text-box value into the active cell

End Sub

If it works, alter the activecell.offset navigation to suit your spreadsheet and you should be in business.


Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 7:14 AM

Looks Good Mike, but I'm working with an array of text boxes


What if I had three columns and three row of text boxes?

Stan ,

Posted by MikeB on October 16, 2001 7:37 AM

Re: Looks Good Mike, but I'm working with an array of text boxes


Essentially the same code, if I'm understanding you correctly. Three rows and columns of textboxes makes 9, which are named TextBox1 to TextBox9 regardless of their position on your form. Place the extra six textboxes on the form in my previous example.

The CommandButton1_Click code becomes:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

For n = 1 To 9
ctrl_name = "TextBox" + CStr(n) ' assigns textbox name to a variable
If n > 1 Then
If n = 4 Or n = 7 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 1).Select ' move across one cell and up two cells
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ' move down one cell
End If
End If
ActiveCell.Value = Controls(ctrl_name).Value ' paste the text-box value into the active cell

End Sub

How's that?


Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 8:23 AM

Re: Looks Good Mike, but I'm working with an array of text boxes


Tried it but got the error message "Could not find the specified object" at the following line:

ActiveCell.Value = Controls(ctrl_name).Value

I have tried with the command button either on the Userform or, as you suggested, on the first page of the Multipage control. Any ideas?


Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 8:31 AM

One other thing...


I'm not sure I understand the line "ctrl_name = "TextBox" + CStr(n)". Does it retreive the actual name of the textbox (e.g. myText.Text)?


Posted by Juan Pablo on October 16, 2001 8:56 AM

Re: One other thing...

No, it assumes that all textboxes are named


Juan Pablo

Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 9:05 AM

Re: One other thing...

Is there a way I can get around this by referencing the name I've assigned?


Posted by Juan Pablo on October 16, 2001 9:14 AM

What names do you have ? (NT)

Posted by Stan on October 16, 2001 9:20 AM

Re: What names do you have ? (NT)


Here is an example:


I was wondering if I can use the ".Name" property. I tried the following but got an "object missing error":

ctrl_name = TextBox.Name


Posted by Juan Pablo on October 16, 2001 11:58 AM

Re: What names do you have ?

I think you can, but it's a little more difficult, i think the best is to adjust the names in order to have a "logic" sequence.

Juan Pablo

Posted by MikeB on October 17, 2001 12:33 AM

Re: What names do you have ?


The following code works in my hands.

In my earlier example, I have renamed my nine textboxes from "TextBox1", "TextBox2"..."TextBox9" to "A", "B"..."I". You assign these names to the variable ctrl_name in the first If...EndIf loop below.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

For n = 1 To 9
If n = 1 Then ' assigns textbox name to a variable
ctrl_name = "A"
ElseIf n = 2 Then
ctrl_name = "B"
ElseIf n = 3 Then
ctrl_name = "C"
ElseIf n = 4 Then
ctrl_name = "D"
ElseIf n = 5 Then
ctrl_name = "E"
ElseIf n = 6 Then
ctrl_name = "F"
ElseIf n = 7 Then
ctrl_name = "G"
ElseIf n = 8 Then
ctrl_name = "H"
ctrl_name = "I"
End If
If n > 1 Then
If n = 4 Or n = 7 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 1).Select ' move across one cell and up two cells
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ' move down one cell
End If
End If
ActiveCell.Value = Controls(ctrl_name).Value ' paste the text-box value into the active cell

End Sub

I would strongly recommend generising the names of your textboxes to include the numbers 1...n somewhere in the name. Your would then be able to make more elegant use of the For...Next loop.

For instance, if your first text box name is "abc1xyz" and your second is "abc2xyz" then you can populate the ctrl_name variable using the line:

ctrl_name = "abc" + CStr(n) + "xyz"

where the CStr command changes the numeric 'n' to text. You can use this one line then to replace all of the rather pedantic assignment of variables in the first If...EndIf loop in my longer suggested code above. If you can't do this, then the replacement of the "A", "B" etc. with your individual textbox names ought to work just the same.


Posted by Stan on October 17, 2001 4:17 AM

Thanks Mike!

I very much appreciate your help Mike.


If n = 1 Then ' assigns textbox name to a variable ctrl_name = "A" ElseIf n = 2 Then ctrl_name = "B" ElseIf n = 3 Then ctrl_name = "C" ElseIf n = 4 Then ctrl_name = "D" ElseIf n = 5 Then ctrl_name = "E" ElseIf n = 6 Then ctrl_name = "F" ElseIf n = 7 Then ctrl_name = "G" ElseIf n = 8 Then ctrl_name = "H" Else ctrl_name = "I" End If ActiveCell.Value = Controls(ctrl_name).Value ' paste the text-box value into the active cell