Sorting more than one value

Posted by Knight Teacher on January 17, 2002 8:00 AM

I am creating a spreadsheet for weightlifing. It would bee too long
and complicated to explain everything, but the problem
I'm having is with the sort function.

I have three columns, TOTAL, VJ, and 40. I need to sort
the TOTAL and VJ from highest to lowest, and the 40 from
lowest to highest...

Whenever I go to the sort function, it will only sort one
of my requests and not all there a way to do this?

Thanks for help....

Posted by Mark W. on January 17, 2002 8:07 AM

Use the Data | Sort... menu command [nt]

Posted by Mark W. on January 17, 2002 8:15 AM

Also, keep in mind...

...that you could also accomplish your desired
order using the Sort toolbar button 3 times.
Suppose that your data is...


If you select a cell in the "40" column and press
the Sort Ascending toolbar button you'll get...


Next, select a cell in the "VJ" column and press
the Sort Descending toolbar button to get...


Finally, select a cell in the "TOTAL" column and
press the Sort Descending toolbar button to get...
