There are a couple of ways to do this. By far the easiest is to click the cell that you want the list to appear in. Go to:
On the settings sheet under Allow ->select List
A small button and window will appear labeled Source: (you can either type the list in manually seperated by commas with no spaces(ie word,word)or you can select a range of cells containing the information that you want to show (ie =A1:BA1 or =A1:A100): Good Luck.
Hey Mike...thanks alot for the help. That was way to simple.
You can also make the list dynamic by using OFFSET in the validation list box!
: I haven't used excel in over 5 years, so my skills are slightly tarnished. Help! : can anyone give me a quick tip on how to create a pulldown list with a variety of names? You can also make the list dynamic by using OFFSET in the validation list box!
Can you explain more about OFFSET to me? (Still learning Excel, sorry).