Circular Reference

Posted by Dawn Canning on August 01, 2001 6:05 AM

I am producing a fairly large spreadsheet and have been using circular reference formulas. Things seemed to be going well until now.

My first column is working perfectly, hoever, if I go to column two and enter ANY numerical information it updates all cells in columns to the left - even though they have nothing to do with the formula.

Any suggestions on a fix?
Thank you
D. Canning

Posted by Mark W. on August 01, 2001 7:20 AM

What do you mean by "using circular reference
formulas"? What is your calculation mode set
to Iteration?

Posted by Dawn Canning on August 02, 2001 4:08 AM

In the cell, the formula refers back to the cell it is in. I have the Interation box checked off and have used all numbers from 1 to 100, all with the same results (the formula works in the first column, however, any information I enter in column left of it affects existing informaion.


Posted by Dawn on August 02, 2001 4:18 AM

Thought it might help if I put an example:

Cell C4 has a formula of:


The reason for this is that this spreadsheet will be worked on by many people and cell C3 will be the only cell to be updated - C4 will show the running total and will also be protected so nobody can erase the formula.

The calculation works fine in column C, however, as stated before when moving over to column D and beyond any info entered also affects all columns to the left.


Posted by Mark W. on August 03, 2001 7:32 AM

Dawn, "circular references" aren't something you
"use" (unless you've activated iterative recalc) --
they're something you AVOID. Also, what's the
point of =SUM(C3+C4)? Either the '+' operator
or SUM() function is unncessary -- using both is