How to solved or avoid ghost links...inside..

Posted by IgOR on July 19, 2001 6:28 AM

everytime i opened my workbook.. i got this message :

"the workbook you opened contains automatic links to
information in another workbook"

the problem is..there is no data in my workbook that link
to another workbook..

questions :

1. how can i find the broken link ?
ps: i have search the entire workbook..and nothing

2. if i can't find the broken to avoid the popup
message that asked me to update the link..i''ve try
application.displayalerts==false..but still the message
popup everytime i open my wb..

3. any suggestion from you all expert not includes my suggestion(no.1 and no.2 above )
on how to solved this ghost link..thanks a zillion

Posted by Mark W. on July 19, 2001 6:55 AM
