Excel 2024: Tip: Replace a Long Slicer with a Filter Drop-Down

May 27, 2024 - by

Excel 2024: Tip: Replace a Long Slicer with a Filter Drop-Down

Slicers can get too large if there are too many tiles. This figure shows a slicer with 146 items. The Slicer is already too big, and you aren't seeing all of the tiles nor all of the text in the tiles.

Create the slicer shown above but hide it out of view. Create another pivot table that is connected to this slicer. In the pivot table, put the Location field in the Filters area. This gives you two cells as shown here:

When you open the drop-down in B1 and choose a Location, the Slicer also updates. Any pivot tables connected to the Slicer will update.

With careful planning, you can hide column A. Then, it will appear that you have a single drop-down cell that filters all of the pivot tables. This takes up much less space than a slicer.

Thanks to Tine Ozimič for this idea.

Sparklines: Word-Sized Charts

Professor Edward Tufte introduced sparklines in his 2007 book Beautiful Evidence. Excel 2010 implemented sparklines as either line, column, or win/loss charts, where each series fills a single cell.

Personally, I like my sparklines to be larger. In this example, I changed the row height to 30 and <gasp> merged B14:D14 into a single cell to make the charts wider. The labels in A14:A18 are formulas that point to the first column of the pivot table.

A sparkline is a chart that fits in one cell. This report has five sales reps in A14:A18. Five charts in B14:B18 show the 9-year sales trend for each sales rep. This screenshot shows the Create Sparklines dialog, where you specify the original data location and where you want the sparklines to appear.
A sparkline is a chart that fits in one cell. This report has five sales reps in A14:A18. Five charts in B14:B18 show the 9-year sales trend for each sales rep. This screenshot shows the Create Sparklines dialog, where you specify the original data location and where you want the sparklines to appear.

To change the color of the low and high points, choose these boxes in the Sparkline Tools tab:

In the Sparkline Tools tab of the Ribbon, specify that you want the high point and the low point in a different color.
In the Sparkline Tools tab of the Ribbon, specify that you want the high point and the low point in a different color.

Then change the color for the high and low points:

Also in the Sparkline Tools dialog, open the Marker Color drop-down. Choose a color for High Point and a color for Low Point.
Also in the Sparkline Tools dialog, open the Marker Color drop-down. Choose a color for High Point and a color for Low Point.

By default, sparklines are scaled independently of each other. I almost always go to the Axis settings and choose Same for All Sparklines for Minimum and Maximum. Below, I set Minimum to 0 for all sparklines.

In the Sparkline Tools ribbon, got to the Axis drop-down menu. Make two changes, selecting "Same for All Sparklines" for both the vertical axis minimum and maximum.
In the Sparkline Tools ribbon, got to the Axis drop-down menu. Make two changes, selecting "Same for All Sparklines" for both the vertical axis minimum and maximum.

Make Excel Not Look Like Excel

Did you notice that many of the dashboards shown in the previous topics don't look like Excel? With several easy settings, you can make a dashboard look less like Excel:

  • Select all cells and apply a light fill color to get rid of the gridlines.
  • On the View tab, uncheck Formula Bar, Headings, and Gridlines.

In the View tab of the Ribbon, unselect Formula Bar, Gridlines, and Headings
In the View tab of the Ribbon, unselect Formula Bar, Gridlines, and Headings

  • Collapse the Ribbon: at the right edge of the Ribbon, use the ^ to collapse. (You can use Ctrl+F1 or double-click the active tab in the Ribbon to toggle from collapsed to pinned.)
  • Use the arrow keys to move the active cell so it is hidden behind a chart or slicer.
  • Hide all sheets except for the dashboard sheet.
  • In File, Options, Advanced, hide the scroll bars and sheet tabs.

Excel Options, Advanced, Display Options For This Workbook. Turn off the checkboxes for Show Horizontal Scrollbar, Show Versical Scrollbar, and Show Sheet Tabs.
Excel Options, Advanced, Display Options For This Workbook. Turn off the checkboxes for Show Horizontal Scrollbar, Show Versical Scrollbar, and Show Sheet Tabs.

Bonus Tip: Line Up Dashboard Sections with Different Column Widths

If you are anything like me, you often need to fit a lot of data into a small area in a dashboard. What if columns in one dashboard tile don't line up with columns in another tile? Using a linked picture will solve the problem. In the figure below, the report in A1:M9 requires 13 columns. But the report in Rows 11:13 needs that same space to be two columns. I am rarely one to recommend merged cells, so let's not broach that evil topic.

A classic problem - rows 2:9 need to show narrow data in columns B:M. Rows 12:13 need wide data in column B.
A classic problem - rows 2:9 need to show narrow data in columns B:M. Rows 12:13 need wide data in column B.

Instead, go to another section of the workbook and build the report tile. Copy the cells that encompass the tile.

Go far off to the right, and build the 2-column report in P & Q. Copy this report to the clipboard with Ctrl+C

Select where you want the tile to appear. On the Home tab, click on the lower half of the Paste dropdown to open the paste options. The last icon is Paste Picture Link. Click that icon. A live picture of the other cells appears.

Paste the two wide columns as a Linked Picture below the narrow columns.
Paste the two wide columns as a Linked Picture below the narrow columns.

Thanks to Ghaleb Bakri for suggesting a similar technique using dropdown boxes. Ryan Wilson suggested making Excel not look like Excel. Jon Wittwer of Vertex42 suggested the sparklines and slicers trick.

Bonus Tip: Report Slicer Selections in a Title

Slicers are great, but they can take up a lot of space in your report.

A slicer has 26 products and five are selected. Rather than print out the slicer, the goal is to list all slicer selections in one cell. Select a pivot table that is using the slicer and Ctrl+C to copy.
A slicer has 26 products and five are selected. Rather than print out the slicer, the goal is to list all slicer selections in one cell. Select a pivot table that is using the slicer and Ctrl+C to copy.

Here is an awesome way to get the selected slicers in a single cell. First, select your entire pivot table and copy with Ctrl+C.

Then, paste a new pivot table somewhere outside of your print range. Copying and pasting makes sure that both pivot tables react to the slicer. Change the pivot table so you have the slicer field in the Row area. Right-click the Grand Total and choose Remove Grand Total. You should end up with a pivot table that looks like this:

Paste the pivot table far to the right of your print range. Change the pivot table to show only Product. Remove the Grand Total. In the current example, the products are in I4:I8, but they could stretch down to cell I29.
Paste the pivot table far to the right of your print range. Change the pivot table to show only Product. Remove the Grand Total. In the current example, the products are in I4:I8, but they could stretch down to cell I29.

The list of products starts in I4 and might potentially extend to I26. Use the new TEXTJOIN function to join all of the selected products in a single cell. The first argument of TEXTJOIN is the delimiter. I use a comma followed by a space. The second argument tells Excel to ignore empty cells. This makes sure that Excel does not add a bunch of commas to the end of your formula result.

For the title in A1, use ="Report for "&TEXTJOIN(", ",True,I4:I26). The result of the formula will be Report for Apple, Cherry, Guava, Lime, Orange.

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2024 Igniting Excel

Title photo by Ruslan Valeev on Unsplash