ARGH!! What have i done! I've broken Excel!

Posted by Dave on January 17, 2002 8:03 AM

i tried to delete one of my subs in one of my modules (by selecting it and pressing backspace) and excel crashed... i then tried to delete it bit by bit and each time i got to a particular point (different each time) "fatal exception in vba332 somthing or another" occured.....

now the sub is finally gone but, every time i start excel i get:

56E4C000 file format not supported
E7D8C000 file format not supported

and several more in the same vein!

What have i done and how do i undo it!

Thanks for any help,

Dave (looking more than slighly worried)

Posted by Dave on January 17, 2002 8:05 AM

More details

Sorry, the error reads "XXXX file format is not valid"....

Posted by Dave on January 17, 2002 8:26 AM

Don't Worry. Fixed it...

For anyone who is interested (in case you get the same problem or whatever) there were random files being created in the office\xlstart directory. once those had been deleted everything rreturned to normal!

Sorry about the multiple posts....

Dave *hangs head and wanders off*

Posted by Joe Was on January 17, 2002 8:28 AM

Re: More details

What did the macro do?
By chance did it link with other files, save, load or close files?

It sounds like it may have run a portion of a macro which due to the bit by bit deletions became destructive?

Did you try a re-boot?

If you re-install you will not loose your other files, but it seems like your current file will need to be deleted. You may need to delete the corrupted file before you reinstall?

Try deleting the corrupted file, re-boot then see if Excel will reload, it may?

If not Re-install Excel. JSW

Posted by Joe Was on January 17, 2002 8:30 AM

Good, thought deleting files would help. nt