Internal error changes workshheet to "read only"

Posted by Frank Krumm on December 29, 2001 12:53 PM

Using Excel 2000. Last week and this week I receivd an "internal error" message and had to close Excel. When I reopen and go to the workbook I was working on, it says it has become read-only, locked by me.

when I go to the properties box, read-only is not checked. Any thoughts on how to undo this. Sure I can Save-As and rename the workbook but for cryin' out loud...!

Posted by Jack in UK on December 29, 2001 2:11 PM

Hi Frank
Common this one, dont panic, i just wrote a speech on Virus post below read as dont think effects you.

Excel is simply comfused, and so it reporting badly file propertys, RE-Boot / Cold boot

Open and see if cleared, if not... save as XYZnew and close Reboot and open, should be ok

Then re name old to XYZOld and rename XyzNew to XYZ and shold be ok. Common the way Windows reports files and properties is not correct via excel, just happens


Posted by Frank Krumm on December 29, 2001 9:33 PM

Thanks Jack! Lucid explanation. Solution works. NT

Posted by Jack in UK on December 30, 2001 9:57 AM

Re: Thanks Jack! Lucid explanation. Solution works. NT

Any time, im pleased

Take care