Excel Tips

Creating Page Breaks in Excel Automaticaly »

November 10, 2001

Trying to automatically put page breaks into a table in Excel.

Create a Unique Record Number »

November 9, 2001

We need to know how to set up a macro which will assign a unique invoice number.

Changing Numbers to Text »

November 8, 2001

Looking for a way to change text that looks like numbers to real text.

Parsing Date String »

November 7, 2001

I have the date 19960105 for example, but excel doesn't recognize it as a date without me having to put two slashes into it.

Click Through Ratio In Excel »

November 6, 2001

My website gets 300 hits each weekday and 100 hits each weekend day. After 4 weeks, I have received 7 orders. How do I calculate the click through ratio in Excel?

Sorting IP Addresses »

November 1, 2001

How to properly sort IP addresses in a column.

Add Row While Copying And Manipulating Data »

November 1, 2001

Do you have a macro that can add rows at the bottom or at cell pointer, then copy from the previous row and insert the data in the new row?

Referencing a Worksheet with Object Variable »

October 30, 2001

Use Set to create an Object Variable instead of a regular variable when referencing worksheets.

Average Using Pivot Table »

October 30, 2001

I use Excel to monitor my glucose levels several times a day. After a month of readings, I want to see an Excel table showing the average glucose level in each hour of the day.